One last random thought before I go to bed

Mar 23, 2012 00:52

All this new (old) shit where men are trying to take away women's rights and control their pregnancies, abortions, access to birth control etc. It just has to make you wonder if it's going to be harder for them to get laid if this bullshit of theirs is successful. I mean, one way to not get pregnant and therefore have to endure being forced to carry it to term and then raise this unwanted child, or avoid being raped with a vaginal sonogram probe, or have to go sit down with some guy you maybe had a one-off with and got knocked up just so you can ask his permission to terminate a pregnancy, or avoid possibly being arrested and convicted to ten years in prison for foeticide because maybe you drank something or snorted something that caused a miscarriage is to seriously just fucking cut their asses off. You want to give "personhood" to a clump of dividing cells while at the same time depriving women of their humanity? Guess who's not getting any, buddy. That's right. You. Not unless you decide batting for the other team might not be so bad after all. Or like... marry your hand. I hear there are more states that allow that than gay marriage anyway.

What I find seriously depressing, though not altogether unexpected actually, is that there are women who are in support of these proposals. You would think, they're women, these things will happen to them too if they support these laws and regulations, so of course they wouldn't do that. But you'd be wrong, because it's happening. I've seen it happen when women are raped, too. Other women do not believe them or stand up for them or try to help them. They blame them or ridicule them or even say they deserved it. Other women do this and it's fucked up because there are men out there who will stand up for the rights of women and women who won't even stand up for themselves.

That kind of attitude pisses me off sometimes so bad that I've even thought, hey, if you're going to do that kind of shit, then maybe you deserve exactly what happens. If you're going to let it happen, then by all means, let it happen. But the thing is, I know that's not right. I know in our culture and many cultures all over the world, women are trained and conditioned from earliest childhood not to believe in themselves or trust their own minds and emotions. They're taught to believe that their emotions are crazy or that they're just overreacting or "It's that time of the month again, teehee" which is dismissive and manipulative, but that is how it is. So how can all women, in spite of what their true feelings might be, be expected to stand up and fight for them when they're conditioned not to? When they are trained from the time they are little girls to be receptive to being objectified? They can't. Some women are strong enough to break the mold they've been cast with, but not all of them. Not even most of them.

It's the same for men. They are taught from the time they are little boys to treat girls like this. Boys when they are very young children are actually more openly emotional than their female peers. That is proven fact. It doesn't take very long to train that right out of them though. Girls are actually more naturally skilled at mathematics, but adults perceive boys to be more mathematical (rational) than girls and so math is unconsciously encouraged by teachers and parents more often in boys, not in girls. We have these perceptions of ourselves and others that are taught to us, but not necessarily true and that crosses over into gender roles a lot. How can the women who demand equality and rights expect to get anywhere with those demands, logical and deserved as they are, when they're not just fighting against misogynistic men, but a society of self-defeating women as well?

And the reason for all of this sudden interest in our vaginas and what is or is not coming out of our uterus? It's as simple as the Republicans of the nation not being able to use the economy as a campaign topic. You can't promise to fix the economy? What's next? Oh, right, okay. Pro-life. That's awesome. I hate that term, btw, it makes it sound so innocuous compared to the absolutely disgusting and horrifying reality of what they are now trying to pass into law. Who wouldn't be all for life, right?

There are countless articles about the various proposals flying around the internet these days, but I read this article the other day that I really liked. A Message to Women From a Man: You Are Not "Crazy" by Yashar Ali. I read something similar, though quite a lot more enraged, by a woman not too long ago, but I can't seem to find it in my bookmarks now. Which is unfortunate as it was a really great article, too.

This reads a little bit ranty, I suppose. Which I did not intend, but it snowballed and just got away from me. Ah well.

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