I iz drunk *\o/*

Oct 02, 2009 21:35

Hi. I am a little drunk. Just a little. I haven't drank anything in about 6 months, give or take, so these sorta big Smirnoff things have about done me in. Of course, I'm thinking I will be sober again in about an hour at this rate, but that's okay.

Also, apparently I look old. I find this kind of amusing, but also a little alarming. I am one of these people who gets carded for fucking cigarettes. I got carded for lighters once last year. My roomate here at UNO thought I was 17 or 18 or something until I told her. So yeah, being told by some skeevy little convenience store guy that I looke much older than my ID says I am (25, btw) is kinda like the biggest blow to my ego to date. I know I've been tired a lot lately, but god, I must really look like shit, lol.

Anyway, I have about 1/3 of a Smirnoff thingy left and I'm gonna go take a bath and finish it. And hopefully not drown.

This useless post has been brought to you by the letter D (for drunk, obv.), macadamia cookies, this guy on my winamp's way too sexy voice, and Dean's never ending man-pain (single emo tear, anyone?). Please support your sponsors!
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