Rain Without Thunder (1992)
This is a faux documentary and I've even seen it called science fiction, which I suppose it is. In 1992, it definitely was. I picked this up once in a little video rental place in a small, middle of nowhere town, mostly because I mistook it for something else. I have never forgotten it and I think it's a movie that people should watch. What it assumes is fiction from the beginning is not as outrageous and inconceivable as I--and many others--would like to believe. We aren't quite back in the dark ages yet, but women's rights are being threatened and pressure is being put on them to push it all back about a century. I think that's something worth paying attention to.
“We don’t walk with men, we walk behind them, we walk in their footsteps. To their rhythm; with their gait, down their paths. To their heaven. To man’s heaven. Those women who choose to walk with men, they’re fools, they’re fools to think they can control their destination. A house built by men is a house built for men. We must build our own house. We must do it with our own hands. No one will do it for us.”
- Rain Without Thunder
Couldn't find a trailer for it, but this YouTube video is about 14 minutes of excerpts:
Click to view
And if you want to watch it, you can see it streaming
here on Netflix.