(no subject)

Dec 10, 2011 20:56

People do some really stupid shit with photoshop, that's kind of a given I think. But I actually saw a picture today online where some idiot had photoshopped a picture of Thomas Dekker and put a cigarette in his mouth. Okay... Thomas Dekker is a fucking chain-smoker. That was probably like one of maybe five pictures of the guy taken in the last year or so where he is not smoking. What the hell is even the point of doing that?

Anyway, watched Angel's Crest a little while ago and I really liked it. I was really surprised at how well he played the character of a young father, because it's not a character type you think to see from Thomas Dekker. He plays high school witch boy on that Secret Circle bullshit show and then the weird, sexually confused kid on Kaboom and then the oddly androgynous young John Connor in Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, but he's not someone I really thought could pull off the young dad thing. I think he did it well, though. You can watch the movie streaming here if you want to.

I love his eyelashes. I'm just saying. They deserve mention. Yes, that is the shallow end of my fangirling showing through. I don't care. They are awesome.

Anyway, I should be doing important, serious shit like studying. So now I'm going to go pretend to do that. Ta.

re: movies, the fangirl that ate my inner child, stupid people do stupid things, !!!, the package is the warning, thomas dekker

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