I am--literally--very sick of this.

Nov 09, 2011 15:16

Been sick for a couple of days now and the last two or three, I've started showing signs of infection. Unfortunately, it's a familiar thing to me. I've had Staph three times in the last two years. This will make four if it turns out that it's Staph and I have every reason to believe it is. Went to the clinic this morning to have it checked out and that was nice and humiliating. The doctor tried to drain one of my puss-filled wounds, but couldn't get anything out of it other than blood, so she stuck me on antibiotics, which is nice because it'll probably get rid of the stuff. Prescription was Vibramycin and Keflex, so if it doesn't, I'm in trouble. The doctor couldn't do a culture, so we don't know for sure that it's Staph, but I figure it is because there's not really anything else it could be. I'm supposed to check back later after it's gone to meet with a dermatologist who can help me figure out how to keep it from recurring, which would be really damn nice.

According to the doctor, I'm probably not getting these infections because of where I'm living--communal bathrooms, shared living space, etc--but for some reason my skin is just prone to them. I call bullshit on that because up until a couple of years ago when I decided to go back to school and started living on campus, I had never had anything like this in my life. Now I've got it like every 6 months or so, I'm pretty sure it's an MSRA infection, which is awesome because those are by definition resistant to medication. I suspect maybe people around here are going to say that it's not the fault of their facilities because if it gets out, people would be pissed off and freaked out as people tend to do, and if someone were a real asshole, someone could try to sue the university for it. I am not that kind of an asshole because I actually don't think it is this university's fault. I think it's the fault of the last doctor I saw about this shit the last time I had it who would not give me medicine for it and told me that I needed to do better with my hygiene. Bitch.

So now I'm on serious medication that I'm told will probably make me sick. I have to eat with it or it'll cause me stomach cramps and such and it's probably going to give me diarrhea. Awesome. I know what I'm doing for my extended weekend.

In other news, I had a test this afternoon for my drugs class and I'm not sure how I did on it because I can never remember the specific names of some of those chemicals. But what I do know is the difference between "prostrate" and a "prostate" which my instructor apparently does not. I may have got the question wrong, but I corrected the spelling because GOD that is such a peeve of mine. One mean's you're laying down, one is a gland in the male body. That's a pretty important difference, especially when you're asking a question on a test about what drug is used to help "prostrate" problems and there is both a sedative and a stimulant in that multiple choice list. There's also a sign downstairs in the laundry room that threatens to donate your clothes to charity if they are left in there longer "then" 48 hours. This is one of the most respected universities in this part of the country, I don't think it's unreasonable to wonder why no one seems to have a basic grasp of the kind of grammar taught to kids in the first and second grade.

gtfo, stand back there may be vomit, i'm an english major you do the math, the package is the warning, oh god why, well that's a relief, stupid people do stupid things, this is shit, i'll tell you when i've had enough, may it shrivel up and fall off

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