I will just have to make a short to-the-point update.
Colorguard/flag corps is gay.
Got new PSP brushes, made new icons (both livejournal and buddy icons)
I want granola.
I want Jesse to go online. (hee hee hee)
I don't understand bytes and kilobytes. (What's there to understand you say? Why is it that 7168 bytes is the limit, but a 5.8K icon is too big...haha can someone give me a conversion thing? seriously, I'm that dumb)=)
Rachel got a webcam. Yay, she looks like my friend Cris in the cam pics. Weirdd.
I look like I'm wearing lipstick, but it's just italian ice. I hate lipstick. It's so slutty. Like my i's.
And, uh, buncha icons I made, like a while ago, but decide to post them anyways.
Donnie Darko Movie
Ew, I haven't even DONE anything with that. Aosdakjsfan.
Avery [evan oscar & brandon]
Most of them are 50x50, but I think 2 of them are 48x48. [the one with pics doesn't fit the criteria for b/i, but i still like it nonetheless.
This one is just funny.
Jeff and some kid named Alex I think.
My friend Rachel. She's so pretty.
It moves really slow though. I should fix that.
And uh, since this is taking up time that I obviously have, I will post the two Dir en Grey one's I found. I probably made more..but eh. They are somewhere.
Haha yeah I'm done. Toodles.
x3; christina