I cannot fathom how it can be so convivial to tell blatant lies about yours truly.
Say the horrible true things if ya feel that something negative must be said....there's a bunch, i agree -
but to childishly steer your own friends wrong and feed them stories of sheer fiction for your own personal reason (definately not gain) is pretty disgusting. What you have said about me is an orgy of stultifying cacophonous verbal depravity; an exercise in literary impotence, and an offense to all of good taste and decency. How old are you? You see what happens when ya hang out with bitter psycho bitches who are nastier than a 5 dollar whore on meth givin a 2 cent blowjob? It rubs off on ya whether you wield a dick or not, not that it would suffice enough to be a dick in terms of ...well.... =) (oh yeyah hearing shit about people works both ways lil guy) but poor excuses or not, there is NO excuse. You've got a shittydramafilled life, shitty band, shitty jobs, shitty personality, an entourage of shitty people that will drop you the second you reveal this YOURSELF to them (dont kid yourself), and you're foolish to just throw your balls to the wind and flap out these ludicrous backbiting slander of who i sleep/slept with like you're some fuckin'dick in the dirt saint damnin' the you fucking KNOW IT FOR SURE?
You mistake me for the holes you hang/hung round with that consider fidelty as not having more than one guy in the bed at a time, you fuckin' morons. Yeah plural bc the 2 of you are neither better than the other at this point. Both of you are a waste of time, space, air, flesh, and the rectums you were born from, retards. You may have known me for this long but we never hung out, how do you DARE delude yourselves (llets just say you werent making this up on your own and someone else told you these lies about me) that you KNOW me enough to even CONSIDER relaying it off as TRUTH to someone? You could type every thing you REALLY KNOW about me on the back of a microscopic postage stamp and still have room leftover for a shopping list @ gaydar you fuckin' queerassbumbanditingcockjockies. Noah is going to be TICKLED over the thought that we FUCK. LOL. Christ that is the funniest and yet not so funniest thing you could accuse me of.
In cold frosty truth I am a lil aghast that either of you would maliciously and knowingly start shit with me when there was virtually NOTHING for us to ever hate each other over, so fabulous job, ya got what you were aiming for despite the lack of reason for it you pencildicks. Is it boredom? Jealousy? An escape from your own calamity of lives? That you are just barely the definition of a musician? Or that you're a jellyfish-sucking mental midget ? I know it cant be that deep but might as well throw that out since you set the theme for LOGICAL thinking. Pathetic. Deplorable. WORTHLESS FUCKING PRICKS. ...really need to get that rotten mouth discharge checked out, it's foul.
.....and i wouldve never ever came close to EVER makin' such a comment about either of you until today.
Ultimately I usually can laugh at foolheaded nonsensical rumors about myself... like being a loose old whore who cares only about herself and image... LOL
but it's bc it came from people i didnt know or didnt care for. And it was told to people that knew better bc the character of the storyteller was overtly clueless and obviously STRAIGHT HATIN' heh.
But this....THIS.. coming FROM 2 people that have been good with me for a couple years; in a mutually good natured manner and sometimes "friend", TO someone that ill openly say i care for alot without any good god damn reason is malevolent, a lil evil and to me permanently blacklisted ....
It's pretty fuckin' fuckin jelly quiverin' gutless invertebrates. I would expect this kinda behaviour from a sandfilled vagina that wouldnt know whether to scratch its watch or wind its ass. Not you two.
In future, if you have something to say, just shut the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck up, that mouth is gettin' too big for it's fuckin' muzzle, come into my job sometime and ill personally find you the perfect STFU gag if that's the only way you can keep yourself from telling lies about me.... at least to worthwhile people. Talk all you want amongst your own demented shameless exhibition of genetic deficiencies but leave people i'd rip your head off for out of your Faggottale telling. In the future I will feel free to ignore your wearisome, gossip-mongering piece of excrement attached to a dog's posterior existance and i shall hope for the same on your part...i'll fucking vomit on you if you ever speak to me again.
Happy TALES you narcissistic, buttock-rimming syphilitic swamp hog.