+ name: Lisa
+ nickname: Lisa. Yes, that's my nickname.
+ gender: Female
+ age: 14
+ height: 5'
+ hair color: right now, black with highlights
+ eye color: brown
+ location: in my library (so-called. but i consider it my brother's extra room for all his toys.)
+ fallen off the bed? omg. i think i did once. it was comical.
+ fallen for a relative? that is gross. i should really delete that question.
+ had plastic surgery? no
+ broke someone`s heart? not physically, but i think i have to a few ppl. sorry.
+ had your heart broken? sigh...yes
+ had a dream come true? not that literally, but if u mean i got something i wanted. yes a few times.
+ done something you regret? of course
+ cheated on a test? yah
+ broken a body part? semi
+ wearing- still in my nd sweatshirt and sweatpants
+ listening to- my stupid ass loud computer...and HAVE A DRINK ON ME. ac/dc
+ chewing - nothing
+ feeling - awake.
+ reading - just these questions
+ chatting with - nobody right now
+ watching - nothing really
+ should REALLY be - sleeping
+ brush your teeth? yes
+ like anybody? i think
+ have any piercings? ha yah
+ drive? no
+ believe in Santa Claus? sorry not anymore
+ ever get off the computer? yes
+ who is your best? formally, its vic. but i still have jill and barb always..we just need to see each other sometime while i am still alive.
+ who is the loudest? jackie
+ who is the craziest? uhhh....jackie
+ who is the 'hottest'? david jun
+ who is the cutest? squeeeeek.
+ who laughs the most? vic
+ who have you known the longest? vic
+ who have you known the....????
+ do you belong to a crew? i kinda hope not
+ do you hang out with the opposite sex? wow. yes
+ do you trust your friends? yes
+ are you a good friend? i can be
+ can you keep a secret? yes
+ Hugged - um. lol i wouldnt consider it a hug but thaddeus and mike i guess
+ IMed - jdub
+ Talked to on the phone - vic
+ Shook Hands With - Ah i know i shook hands with someone a couple days ago!!!...oh well, i'll just say max (?), a soph jill knew at the winter formal.
+ Movie: Eurotrip
+ Store: GC or Lowe's Music...haha. am i weird or wat. hmm lets also say Tower Records
+ Relative: ...
+ Sport: volleyball
+ Vacation Spot: Hawaii by far
+ Ice Cream Flavor: strawberry or coffee
+ Fruit: Hard...for now i would say either: strawberries, oranges, or white peaches.
+ Candy: Pez and Pop Rocks
+ Holiday: Halloween, or day it'll be Valentine's Day..aww.
+ Day of the Week: Wednesday...easy track day? and day away from *** til 9:00
+ Color: ugh...i am weird. but lately i like gray lol. and navy blue. and maroooon. w/e
+ Magazine: as of now AP or Revolver
+ Name for a Girl: Richard
+ Name for a Boy: Ned
SECTION 8 (DO YOU . . .)
+ Like to give hugs? Hugs for [almost] everyone!
+ Like to walk in the rain? i LOVE it.
+ Sleep with or without clothes on? wow thats like waiting to be raped.
+ Prefer black or blue pens? it really doesnt matter. but if i had a choice i would say black.
+ Dress up on Halloween? Most of the time. last year i rushed to k-mart cuz i NEEDED a costume. lol. toddlers i am a slut. jkidding
+ Like to travel? yes
+ Like someone? i think so
+ Sleep on your side, tummy or back? Probably all except tummy
+ Want to marry? I do
+ Have a goldfish? i won a goldfish before
+ Ever have the falling dream? omg...those are/feel freaky
+ Have stuffed animals? yes on my windowsill
+ Go on vacation? occasionally
+ Bill Clinton: prostitute
+ Suicide: Stupid
+ Summer: good
+ Tattoos: sure. a tiny one.
+ Piercing: its ok. im done with it tho i think
+ Pierced nose or tongue? tongue i guess. i dont wanna look liek i have a stray booger or soemthing all the time
+ Be serious or funny? funny, but i dont wanna be outta control
+ Single or taken? hmm...either is tolerable
+ Simple or Complicated? in between
+ MTV or BET? mtv
+ Cops Or Law and Order? neither
+ Sugar or salt? sugar
+ Silver or gold? silver
+ Tongue or Belly Button Ring? belly button
+ Chocolate or Flowers? flowers are more romantic
+ Angels or miracles? miracles
+ Color or Black-and-White photos? both are cool
+ Sunrise or sunset? - both. sunset is more romantic. lol god. shut me up.
+ M&M's or Skittles? M&M's just cuz i barely buy Skittles.
+ Rap or Reggae? that will just be blank.
+ Stay up late or sleep in? both
+ TV or radio? tv
+ Hot or cold? hot
+ Taller members of the opposite sex or Shorter? taller
+ Sun or moon? sun
+ Diamond or Ruby? diamond
+ Left or Right? right
+ 10 acquaintances or one best friend? one best friend
+ Vanilla or chocolate? pop rocks.
+ Kids or no kids? kids
+ Cat or dog? big one and one small porta-puppy
+ Half-empty or Half-full? Half Full
+ Mustard or ketchup? not fond of either one of those, but i'd say ketchup
+ Newspaper or Magazine? Magazine
+ Spring or Fall? Spring
+ rain or snow? Both
+ Lace or satin? Idk.
+ A year of hot sex or a lifetime of friendship? Omg gimme both....jk i definitely say friendship
+ happy or sad? happy wow. stupid question
+ Corduroy or plaid? Idk. either or neither w/e
+ Wonder or amazement? both?
+ sneakers or sandals? depends on the location and how i feel
+ McDonald's or Burger King? mcdonalds
+ Mexican or Italian food? italian
+ Lights on or off? depends
+ Duct tape or scotch tape? both
+ Candy or soda? Poprocks and Coke
+ A house in the woods or the city? city
+ Pepsi or Coke? Coke
+ Nike or ADIDAS? It doesnt matter.
+ Do you go to church? rarely
+ Do you like church? eh. praise the lord.
+ What's your favorite kind of tree? Palm Trees
+ When you see a person with lime green tights on, what's comes to your head? peterpan or a leprechaun (sp?)
+ Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? nope
+ If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them? at the back of my head or my neck to be exact
+ What do you usually think about before you go to bed? my day or maybe someone i like