Oct 22, 2006 19:47
David Bowie being in The Prestige made it that much better! And it was really really excellent.
I'm too full of lactose to say much more right now. I'm waiting for the pain that I know will arrive soon.
Also, if you are ever in need of entertainment, try having a mate1 account:
Some guy: You cute in a wierd way, anyhow I would like to talk to you my personal email is if your interested.
(the picture is of Brian Molko, BTW)
Me: You should learn how to use grammar and punctuation.
Weird Guy: Thanks I appreciate that. I guess going to Syracuse university, and also almost being a doctor didn't help me. Thank for messaging me with that important news. Okay since you done so , do you feel better. Down talking to me. Makes you feel better, then say all you want. Sounds like your frustrated. But I will take your words with a grain of salt. But let me say this to you, what have you achieved in your life that you judge me.You live, and probably have always lived here, where education is second rate.Where as I have lived ,and was raised in the Northeast where education is the highest proirity in the country. I went to one of the best universities in the country. And you have the nerve to down talk to me. How shallow you are, you who are probably poor. I myself have come from a weathy family, and I, who was trying to be kind. And be who I really I'am . Treated so miserably by some rifter who thinks she all that , or harden by a easy life in Seattle. Lady live in Boston and be the only white kid in school and then come back and speak to me. Before my wealth I lived a hard life I have earn every good thing in this life. What do you know.I pity you , you think your better and yet your filty I want nothing to do with you. Nothing in this life would make me want to talk to you again. Your lower then the lowest and I can see you have no heart no wonder your still single.Pathetic , you don't even know a fration of what I know. You can try to inspire to know your whole life and still be ignorant compared to me. Go cattle and live your meanless judgement life. You don't deserve pity or kindness, nor mercy if you would treat someone like me that way. I'am a good person and you would send me that garbage.
I kid you not, that is his FULL response, none of that is added.
Yes, I get sadistic pleasure out of this.
Also, I'd like to point out that I know how to spell: Fraction, priority, I'm, you're, and use commas correctly.