Hello...and goodbye

Jan 08, 2006 16:06

Hello!!!!!!!!!!! I'm back for good this time!!!!! I swear!!! *hears crowd roar*

Ok, so I finally FINALLY got DSL. Which means I'm back for good. That's right people. I am about to comment 3 months worth of updates....or at least I'll try. OH! I almost forgot....


A bit late, but who cares?? May 2006 bring you joy and happiness and love and health and also money. And luck : ). I hope you had a really great new year, as fun as mine!

I decided to make a new account. As I told Venetia earlier I don't exactly have a specific reason. I just felt like it, probably being the new year and all, and me being sick with lusse_121. So people, start adding......

0cean_breeze      0cean_breeze     0cean_breeze    0cean_breeze    0cean_breeze   0cean_breeze

I intend to keep all the people on my f-list. Unless you feel that we don't really have anything to talk about anymore, or that too much time has passed, then just feel free to not add me.

There's a much more detailed update over there too(Belgium, new year resolutions, school, airports...)

So farewell lusse_121, and farewell 2005!

k that was a bit dramatic but ignore it.

One more thing, if you have read this entry, please comment.That way I know when I can delete my account once and for all
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