
Sep 24, 2005 22:47

Well that's it. I'm officially moving right now. I'm surrounded by boxes and boxes and more boxes. It's so weird. It's weird to think that last year, at this time, I had just come from Belgium to this house.

God this time of the year is weird. I said it in a recent entry : I've realised how much I've changed. How much things have changed. How much life has changed. It's incredible, and next year I'm probably going to be thinking the same thing! Thinking : "Wow. So many things have happened and changed either the way I think or feel. Life's like that isn't it? It's wonderful, in a way I guess.

I went out today with Maria and some of her friends. They were nice, we went to watch "Red Eye", which I quite liked. Then when it was like 9.00 or around there we went to this park, lay on the grass and we just looked at the stars. And I had one of those moments where you think everything is just so right, life is beautiful and you don't want the moment to end. Well it did end unfortunately, by a large burp that this guy did. Which sounded so funny that I giggled in spite of the moment : P

Eva's been acting so distant lately. And she told me she was sorry if she was sometimes acting all bitchy on me, but she just didn't realise it. I reminded her of the talk we had a week ago, because she was all worried because she had changed, she was always so fun and now she thinks she all cold and distant. I told her that we all have our moments, and many other things but I can't remember now. Anyway she's been distant for quite some time now, but then in the cafeteria she was all bitchy, because some teacher had forced her to take a salad, so I told her I could eat a bit of it, and she said no. But she was all serious and for a moment I thought she actually had tears in her eyes so I reached out the fork and she shoved it and looked all bitchy. I just left it there and went on talking with the rest and then she suddenley gets up and goes to sit at the end of the table. Turns out that she was mad for a reason, and she told us and we told her to actually listen to what she was saying because she was being ridiculous etc.

And then Maria told me that her mother had Hepatitis C. And I started freaking out. Her mom could die. So we went over there and starting singing this really crappy song and acted silly and kissed her cheeks and she was smiling but she was still a bit on the glacial side. I hope she's better now : (. I'm worried about her, I wish I could help her but I can't tell her I know, and I wouldn't start the subject anyway. I have to think of a way to let her know that I'm there for her without being too obvious.
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