(no subject)

Sep 18, 2005 00:15

Have just come back from the town party thingys. It was so much fun, but it sucked that I had to be back by eleven. Honestly. *sighs*

There was this ride where you stayed upside down for like 30 seconds! All the blood was rushing to my head and then suddenley WHOOSH!!! It turns and turns 2 times in a row. I thought I was going to die right there, HA!!!

And we bumped into Adriana, Fer, Guillermo and Alex. Adriana started talking to me as if nothing had happened, which was weird and unexpected, so I just talked back. I told Maria about it and she just said to just leave it, and not bring anything up. We didn't see them that much anyway ; Just when they went on the ride that stays upside down for 30 seconds and also in this ride that's all cages and turn and turn in mid air, which is also quite cool, incidentally. Then we just lost each other. Ah well.

I saw the new GOF trailer. It's beyond awesome. Though wtf is Sirius's head BEING the fire? That's not the way it was supposed to work!. But aside that I lurved it very muchly. Along with the "Corpse Bride" press conference *smiles like an idiot*. OH!! And Johnny's got his hands at Mann's Chinese theater show!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAH YAAAAY!!!!!!

Must do homework tomorrow.

Must drink now.

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