Very late post : 3.06 a.m

Jul 27, 2005 03:05

Now see, if you searched for "Very Nice Day" in the dictionary. You would see, today :). I warn you : It shall be long. Loads of things to say!

Spent almost the whole day with Maria and Eva. Met in Maria's house and we waited for Eva, then we took the bus to the stands I told you about, I didn't buy anything but had some fun. Maria and Eva bought some skirts and Eva some shoes too. We then went to the mall to have a look too. And I saw this skirt that I fell in love with. I don't have many skirts and feel it's the time to be a bit more open, besides, people keep telling me that they look good on me. I tried it on, and said I would come back. It really is a short skirt : |. Gonna have to try it out, eh?

Anyway, we went to McDonalds do have some food. I don't think I have mentioned the laughs we had, and the best one was certainly when we were immersed in operations for my skirt, since I'm a bit poor at the moment and they lent me some money( I'm lucky, I know!), and meanwhile, Maria was trying on a we paid and all that, we left the shop, and then Eva tells me we must return to this store and I hear Maria gasp behind me. I turn around and see her standing still with a hand on the belt, looking shocked. Eva then broke out into a gigantic laughing fit, and almost had to keep her out of sight while we returned the store, apologizing over and over again. Which was quite hard really, as I was in a desperate need of a good laugh, but it wouldn't have looked too good now, would it? I laughed quite a lot afterwards anyway.

Guess what? I come back and log on...and TUNTUN *refers to that catchy sound msn messenger makes every time someone sends you a message* : FERNANDO says :

Yes well. My insides were screaming, as you probably know. Since he has already been logged on almost every day for the past few days, which is a rare thing. And anyways I was being very glacial with him; when I last saw him, I didn't even look at him once, and I saw him watching me out of the corner of my eye. But we had just bumped into eachother with the people we were hanging out with, so when we said good-bye, I had turned my back on him, but not before he could watch me laugh something I can't even remember that Maria had said.

Not one single look. And I know he was watching. *Laughs maniacally*

Yes. Please do not pay that much attention. It's just that I've been waiting to be able to say all of this since November 2004 probably. Sounds a bit sad, doesn't it? But ah well. So. I was saying that we spoke on msn you know. And to resume it a bit (because this post is getting ridiculously long), when he said good-bye, he sent me a heart. And let me point out that we really didn't have that much of an interesting conversation.

I suspect something has happened.

Probably something to do with Adriana. Since my friend thinks they're going out together, she had probably said some stuf 'bout me that wasn't true, and maybe they had a fight and he said to himself : Maybe I'll see what she's like for myself. Cuz something had to make him come up and say Hi. Since he doesn't usually speak. So yeah. Probably something like that.

I really do hate that cut.
I also discovered an old 6th grade boy from my class still likes me.

This was a weird post you know. Very long.
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