Locked out? Here's why...

Jan 16, 2004 02:16

Welcome to my insanity (aka my journal). Unfortunately, my journal entries are:

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☆ You may comment to this post if you wish to be added to my friends list. I will not promise that I will add you immediately. In fact, I usually will not friend random people because I like to keep my private life private.

♦ Please be sure that we have something in common before you friend me. Perhaps we chatted on some message board somewhere or perhaps you found me through one of the communities. It's an awkward and difficult situation when we don't have something in common to talk about.

See my profile for a huge list of my interests. :)

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☆ I do not announce when I cut off access to my journal. No times. No dates. No announcements. If you've been cut off then it's usually one of these reasons (It's nothing personal, so please don't take offense) :

♦ You don't update your journal often.
I'm sorry, but I do have a tendency to cut off dead journals. I just want to keep my friends list clean.

♦ You post offensive content frequently.
Where it's true that your journal is your journal and you can write whatever you want in there, I don't have to read or tolerate offensive content. I also do not wish to associate myself with people who use profane, obscene, or generally offensive language frequently in their journals.

♦ I'm not reading what you have to say.
If I keep skipping over entries (a rarity) you post, then what's the point? If I don't read what you have to say, then I don't comment. If I don't comment, you might feel ignored or feel that I'm uncaring. Let's just avoid that kind of drama and go our separate ways. I believe that will be the better choice.

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☆ I have my Emo days when I feel the need to rant, whine, gripe, or cry about something. Rest assured though that 60% of my journal is all for my life-is-wonderful posts (usually my daily life), 20% of my journal is made of informative posts (recipes and whatnot), 15% is reserved for my occasional need to do a fangirl squeal (I'm easily excited about stuff like videogames and anime), and a mere 5% is reserved for my blue days.

☆ My language isn't completely angelic (hence my PG-13 rating). However, if you count every single entry I have ever made in my journal, only about 1% contain any swearing. I'm not a swearing-type person anyhow (it's not classy). I resist and avoid it as much as possible.

Put that all together and you get 100% of me and a piece of my brain to boot. ^^

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☆ All comments are screened. Don't be afraid to add. I don't bite. At least not very hard unless asked to. :p