You popped my heart seams, all my bubble dreams, bubble dreams.

Jan 27, 2010 22:46

I feel as though I should post, not sure why. Considering I speand alot of my time on livejournal perrrrving it up....well, you know.

Sherlock Holmes has actually taken over my mind, I'm trying to freaking right and Judesie keeps appearing in my brain being a demanding little bitch and I can't make him stop!! Control your (wo)man RDJ!

The whole being a writer thing is a long way off. The kind of long way off that you think you could get and you know the only thing stopping you is yourself but you can't seem to make yourself do anything. But start, and then start again, and see all these scenes in your head and never actually write them down. I need someone; preferably dressed as a giant pen, to appear and bash my head in. So i'll be forced to just sit down and write. I know if I started it right i'd be able to keep going but....I dunno. THIS IS ME MAKING EXCUSES.

Anyway, it's almost Febuary, I got paid but i'm still poor because my mum took basically all my money. Thanks for that woman. I have to make 20 quid last until the 22nd of feb, which, granted, though not impossible. Will be, shall we say, interesting. If I can make 20 last a week for four people I can survive for a least, that's what I keep telling myself. I shouldn't have bought that damn Metallica calender. It did only cost 8 pound, and it comes with stickers....(a certain tiny Danish man will be on his way to a blonde fangirl).

Do I need to insert some witty comment or a relevant song lyric? I can't do that....sadly. Although I'm quite adept at the ... I'm not so good at other things.

I honestly hate my work. I can't take being around my mum for that long. The fact that she speaks at a volume that would shake Chuck Norris to his very foundations, yet she can't hear me when I'm standing right next to her. I can't stand anyone who works there, their nice enough I suppose but I'm younger than all of them and they look at me like ¬_¬ 'are you on the right side of the door?' The kids...OMFG the kids in that school. I thought Bacons was bad, oh no. It's all boys, and their freaking wimps who don't know how to be polite! Alot of them are alright with me beacuse they fancy me. Flattering, not so much no. When you walk through the hallways hearing 'nah man, she'd get it' 'wold you move to her man?' 'BARE' It's you think I can't hear you?!? At least try to be bloody subtle!

I want to leave now, anywhere. I don't mind where. Just somewhere in time.

At least I got into Winchester and Keele, just gotta hear from Portsmouth and I can pick one yo.

rdjudesie, work, money

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