(no subject)

Oct 17, 2008 19:17

Figures I haven't posted on here for a while, I get caught up in doing stupid stuff or OMEGA fangirling and important stuff (this classifies) doesn't get done.

OMFG I have spent the last two days standing up for an unbeleivable amount of hours.....like-just.....too long. And it was all for MUCC, they should feel so loved, which they are of course. Except by Kerrang.....but please, Kerrang, get a freaking clue............they be nothing but almighty bullshit. Who knows, everyone knows, oh yes.

But MUCC <3 were so amazing at taste of chaos, when they first came on loads of people were like 'WTF, japanese pop band?' Yeah, they had no idea, MUCC was soooooooooooo great. Ageha, Libra to say a few, mainly because I can't be bothered to remeber the names of the others.....even though they were great.
But but but! Tatsurou (will be future known as Tatty) played the harmonica! The freaking Harmonica! It was so cool, I really want to send him a blinged out one, like with his name made by diamonds or gold paint on the front. I was just not expecting it, cause I heard it and saw im with his hands covering his mouth and the top of the microphone.....and I clocked and I was 'That's a fucking harmonica!?!?!' Classic.

Ahhhhhhhh, the signing, ahhhhhhhhhh. Before taste of chaos, I shook their hands cause I was to embarresed to hug them. But at Orbitol, they totally got hugged to fuck! To coin a phrase, copyrights of Poppy. I only got Tatty and Satochi, who like Anna said, was freakisly warm, but I need my own personal radiator so you never know, maybe I'll keep him. Lolssssssssss~
I wanted to hug Miya and Yukke, but they were across the table and Yukke loooked like he was about to drop....so I figured he was alright just watching his many fans.
Anna's drawing was so much love, and they loved it too. Yukke thought he was the clock but Anna was all 'no, your the toaster!' HE laughed, and when we were like Satochi is the clock he nodded like 'Ah, as I thought.' ????You knew you were a alarm clock crab prince???? Miya saw himself straight out, he knew, Nana got the expression purrfect. They all laughed when they saw Tats was the Sunflower, major win, major lols~

Made friends with Captain Nev (Neville) and so got to go inside to take pics and he took down the comics with us, worked amazing people skills I didn't even know I had. I love Ghetto girl, can't remeber her name, but I love her. She's freaking crazy and she made MUCC laugh, brrrrrrrabed em up!
CAROL! We love Carol, although his name is Yik or something like that.....I dunno. But he totally misses us, and wants us to return and fangirl on him some more. Lols~

P.s Miya hates marmite.....but Tats took it with him, possibly to be nice to Satochi who liked it, or to spite Miya.....cause he really, really didn't.
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