Dear Rare Women Author...

Jan 28, 2012 14:20

Dear rarewomen author,

First of all, thank you so much for for writing this story! I look forward to reading whatever your muse conjures for this (brilliantly-themed) challenge :)

I'm slightly hesitant about listing my fiction likes/dislikes here because I'd hate to stifle anybody's creativity. Ultimately, I think that well-written fiction trumps virtually anything else, including personal taste - so please take whatever I have to say next with a grain of salt:

I prefer to read about deep, intense friendships over anything romantic or "shippy," probably because I feel like the former flows so much more organically while the latter often feels forced even in the most capable hands. The same goes for sex: well-written sexytimes are amazing, but cliched passages about "quivering mounds" and perfectly-sized (as well as perfectly-shaped) cocks generally just induce a lot of eye-rolls from me. PWP basically doesn't do anything for me at all - I like character engagement.

I do have kind of a weakness for UST, though. Also het, slash, gen - I'm cool with all of it too.

Finally, I'm not a big fan of either straight-up angst or straight-up fluff. My issue isn't with either genre specifically, but with the way so many fic authors go about making the angst or the fluff "happen" - I prefer subtlety in my fiction, so American Idol style melodrama (all the tears!!!11! or all the hugs!!1!11) really ain't my thang either.

So basically... a well-written, thoughtful piece would be my ideal gift, details up to your discretion!

Large Fandom: Harry Potter
Women: Merope Gaunt, Eileen Snape, Daphne Greengrass, Alice Longbottom
Optional Details: I'd love to read about Daphne's relationship with her fellow Slytherins (it would be really nice to read a Daphne/Draco friendship piece that didn't have the two ending up in any kind of romantic relationship), or perhaps a happier piece about Alice Longbottom's pre-auror days - some Frank would be a nice bonus!

Fandom 2: Mythology - Greek
Women: Hera, Eurydice, Medusa, Medea, Arachne
Optional Details: How about a Zeus/Hera modern day political!AU where Zeus is the philandering husband and Hera is the "good" wife who eventually gets a little action on the side of her own? Medusa after she was first "turned" from a beautiful young woman to a hideous monster capable of literally petrifying men with a single gaze? Superhero!Medea AU where Medea is a masked vigilante who goes around the city "helping" women get revenge (in extremely morally gray ways, of course) on men who have wronged them?

Fandom 3: Animorphs
Women: Rachel, Eva, Lauren
Optional Details: Ngl, I am a big Rachel/Tobias shipper, so something that explores the admittedly fucked-up and codependent relationship between those two would be really interesting.

Thank you once again. If you're interested in reading things I myself have written, I can direct you to my fiction writing journal: soidistant. Having said that, I haven't updated that journal in ages, and I'm not particularly fond of most of the work posted up there anyways. Peruse at your own risk!


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