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Feb 04, 2005 19:17

it`z official...my mom spoilz me badLy...whenever we go to the mall she gotta buy me what ii want...yeah ii know what you're thinking "she's soo lucky!!"...but my mom should be buying herself something...she wears the same thing everyday...but noooo she wont buy herself something! it makes me s0o mad! when ii grow up ii`m gonna get a job and buy her something monthly...ii`m gonna make sure ii take care of my parents...they both have been the ultimate best...a shitload of kidz wish they had parents like me...ii honestly feel very lucky...but newaiiz...my nailz came out MAD cute! ii love em!! ii cant wait for the snowball 2mrrw its q0nna be off the h0ok...

ii cant wait til my birthday because ii get to see britney!!! yay!! ii loverz britney s0o much! BFFL!

2daii @ school was good ii guess...ii was just highly tired...david bothwell asked me if ii was high because my eyes were funny looking lmao...

me and melissa had the best time in CAD like alwaiiz! lol but it took us FOREVER to realize faheem wasnt there! lol! sad...

ii know for sure ii passed my spanish and science quiz/test today!! but ii`m nah t0o sure b0ut world studies! ii HATE that class!! its gay just like civics! lol

newaiiz ii`m gonna go and do nothing...lol...siike ii`m gonna go take a shower!! <33333333333333

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