Oct 29, 2006 21:08
Tomorrow we paint the apt. I am so excited to live in fresh vibrant colors. Things are crazy up here. I will be leaving my job soon. The managers wanted me to pay for another waitress' walk out, which was a- not my table, and b- illegal in NY for a manager to make a waitress pay for a walk out. I told my boss I'm not paying a dime, and if I am forced to pay, I will only put in my two weeks. This is bullshit and I did not come up here for this. I'm painting the apartment and going on a few auditions next week.
The weather is getting colder and I'm loving it. I wish y'all could meet everyone in my Improv class. Everyone's crazy wonderful; and not the kind of crazy where you call yourself crazy, but the kind that thinks they are fine but with a few quirks. Ex- Australian American who works from home, handsom, smart, and is really into sex party goup orgys, leather kink, and an extreme control freak (he also looks like and remindes me of Jeremiah in some way).
I think there will be alot of changes coming soon. I allready look back in shock to that girl I was in Louisiana. I am still the same person, just with a few personal makeovers.