Jan 01, 2012 15:25
Hey, guys! My mom and I are headed up to the Roseville Lush tomorrow, and I have a few questions before we depart. Preparedness is next to Godliness, yeah?
First, does anybody know how the Galleria Lush is looking? Pretty cleared out, or still sort of full? The times I've been it hasn't seemed like such a high-volume store, but sales in malls make people do crazy things.
Second, I love Lush's solid shampoos. I have the most ridiculous long, curly, thick hair, and Karma Komba has just done amazing things with axing the frizz, but keeping the curl. However, I'm also pretty religious about switching shampoos after I finish a bar/bottle to stop stuff from building up in my hair. Does anyone have any recommendations for hair like mine? It's not dry at all and can take a beating, and I like it to get really clean. I liked Seanik but it wrecked my curls, and I hated Trich. Ultimate Shine, maybe?
Also, is the new stuff in stores yet? I got Lustre and my mom LOVES the scent, so I was going to pick her up a bar of the Lust soap as a late Christmas present.
Thank you guys so much for your time! :)
(Mods, I know this is a little long; please let me know if you'd like it under a cut! Thanks.)
shampoo bars,
general advice