
Apr 12, 2011 01:39

I'm a bit new to Lush products and I have a few questions!

1. How do you store solid cleansers? I've cut off a sliver for use and put the rest back into the paper + inside a zip-lock bag + into the fridge. Is that fine? They also don't have any dates on them. What's the approximate expiration?

2. Talking specifically about Ocean Salt, am I supposed to mix the contents? I noticed a lot of the salt was on the top while the creamier contents were on the bottom. Not sure if it settled that way or...?

3. Are non-pot containers, like toner bottles, accepted for the free Fresh Face masks?

4. Is it alright if I just ask for a sample up-front (at retail stores)? Or must I purchase or test a product first?

5. Are returns accepted if the product was used?

6. For the Vitamin E Toner Tab, the instructions say "You can put the water from the bowl in a spray bottle and store it in the refrigerator for up to 2 days." Does that mean that I should store it for 2 days before using it, or that I'm only able to use it for up to 2 days and dispose of it after?

If anyone's curious, so far I've tried out Coalface, Ocean Salt, Tea Tree Water Toner, and Mask of Magnaminty and absolutely love them all! I recently got Grease Lightning but it doesn't seem to be working... And I've also purchased Fresh Farmacy but haven't been able to use it yet since Coalface is going so well!

I'm very interested in buying a face moisturizer to complete the regimen but I'm having a bit of trouble deciding between Vanishing Cream, Imperialis, and Enzymion. I'm leaning most towards Enzymion so far, though. As you can tell from my choice of products, I have acne-prone combination skin. I know different products will have different effects on people, but I'd love to hear any experiences. Any other advice would be great too! (I'm a bit of a budget-buyer FYI!)
Thanks for your time!

return policy, storage questions, advice: skincare, general advice, samples

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