This weekend, my local Anaheim store held a Gilligan's Island themed event. I brought in a couple of my friends to introduce them to Lush while I worked on answering the clues to the "Treasure Map" game. I was given a slip of paper with a riddle on it relating to being stranded on an island, and had to figure out which product went with with the clue. The first one was easy, but the next five were more challenging! I completed the clues, and got to reach into a basket, with my eyes closed and choose a free product! I ended up getting a full-sized Lemony Flutter!
The pictures that follow are my purchases, and my awesome goody bag survival kit for spending $50, and a pic of an order I received as well.
I bought: Creme Anglaise, The Soft Touch, Seanik, Blue Skies and Fluffy Clouds, and a mini Think Pink
For spending $50, I got a goody bag filled with a Sugar Babe sugar scrub, and generous samples of: Charlotte Island, Aqua Marina cleanser, Coconut deodorant, Ocean Salt, Ultra light lotion, and Jungle You can also see my Lemony Flutter!
My NA order included: The Strokes, Marzibain, 3x Honey Bun, Blue Skies and Fluffy Clouds, Gentle Lentil, and 5 shower puck tins. My free samples were soaps of Bamboo, Miranda and Red Rooster.
I had also bought a Karma Komba and a Bon Bain, but gave the Karma Komba to my mom, and traded her the Bon Bain for two of her Sakura Mums that I had given to her for Mother's Day. I just recently fell in LOVE with the Sakura scent!
I can't wait to add all of these goodies to my stash, and get things properly labeled and organized! :)