Not so in love w/ Love Soap

Feb 01, 2010 17:05

So went on a complete haul yesterday and wound up picking up some Love Soap, since it was yummy-smelling, pretty, and festive. The problem? I tried it out in my morning shower today and not only did it make me feel instantly dry/squeaky (something I usually love Lush soaps for NOT doing to my skin) but now I'm feeling a bit itchy and almost like I have a bit of a reaction. I know it's not the fragrances used because I have really hearty skin and no (known) allergies... so what gives? Has anybody else had a similar problem with this soap (or others) before?

I'm so bummed, it looks and smells so nice but now I don't think I can use it at all! Do you think they'll let me exchange it for something? : (

return policy, soap, seasonal products, allergies/sensitivities

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