B Never goodies came in today!

Feb 01, 2009 17:25

Sadly I got probably my last B never order =( We ordered it from the Store on Poole in London, So they threw in a few goodies of GLITTER!!! I got:

2 Lip Creams
B Cause - A gorgeous light red, with a touch of shimmer, you can smell and TASTE the roses in it!
Belle Flower - A very frosty pink, more shimmer than color, and also has the same taste and scent of rose!
I also got one of the handmade lip brushes, SO perfect!! The lip creams are a perfect balance of color, and moisture I love them!

Bubble Bar Piece
Love Bubble Bar piece - The only bubble bar piece I got this time. I can NOT get enough of the love fragrance, I'm so sad to see it go! It's a delicious blend of smokey apple, delicate flowers, and a hint of cinnamon! B Bubble bar pieces are much like LUSH one's however I find them a bit more luxurious with more oils within them.

It was an exciting day at LUSH today when I got to open my B order!! ♥ U B!! You'll be missed!

I may do another order on the site if it's up longer!

b never, i bought

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