Tonight I took a "Mermaid Bath" which is a Big Blue Bath Ballistic and Sunny Side Bubble Bar if you were unaware. I'd read reviews which promised an amazing bath. Let me tell you, the bath definitely lives up to it's name. I crumbled up half of the Sunny Side Bubble Bar into my collander and held it under the tap as the bath was running, I've found that to be a simple yet amazingly perfect way to get the bubble bars to live up to their full potential. When the bath was ready I dropped in half of a UK Big Blue Easter Egg Shell put on Ayesha Biofresh Mask and hopped in. The bath took on this amazing teal color and there were swirls and swirls of glitter, it reminded me of the liquid inside those water willy things that were popular when I was a kid. The scent was mild, very clean and refreshing, my nose was a little stuffed so I can't be more descriptive, sorry. I stayed in until the water got cold, added more hot water and let it get cold again before getting out. It was gorgeous. I have subtle sparkles ALL over! I love it! I definitely recommend this bath to everyone, and I'm definitely using Sunny Side by itself in my next bath, since I bet that looks awesome too!
Now, no review would be complete without photos.
Filling up the tub:
This is what the water looked like before the Big Blue:
Big Blue Time:
Me In The Bath (modesty bubbles FTW!):
The Water:
My dog always gets tripped out when I'm in the bath:
Right before I got out:
Mods: Can we get a bath ballistcs: big blue tag?