(no subject)

Jan 07, 2009 08:46

I'm a newly addicted Lushie .. and I put together a lovely bath cocktail that I wanted to share..
It was: 1/2 maribain bubble bar, 1 lush pud ballistic, and then scrubbed up with porridge soap. It was fantastic! It smelled divine, my bathroom continued to smell good for the entire day, and my skin was velvety smooth after that bath. Pure heaven, highly recommended!!

I do have a couple questions that maybe some of you would be able to answer..
First, I have interesting skin (who doesn't), and am in search of the right moisturizer .. I'm normal/oily in summer, but normal/dry in the winter, and always sensitive. Vanishing cream is lovely but just not heavy enough for winter(I'll probably love it this summer though), and Celestial was too heavy for me(left my face greasy and a little burn-y). So I'm thinking maybe I should try Cosmetic Lad or Enzymion?? (can't try gorgeous b/c of $$) Anyone have other ideas/suggestions?

Also, I'm slightly confused about body butters vs buttercreams. Which one is more a straight up moisturizer? From what I understand the buttercreams are partially soaps too.. Do all the body butters have a scrubby/exfoliating element to them, or are any of them just regular shower moisturizing bars? I'm basically looking to skip the step of a separate moisturizing lotion for when I'm in a hurry..

Thanks in advance! I'm going to a Lush party on Saturday and so this is pre-purchase research ;)

moisturizers, buttercreams, body butters, cocktails

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