Temple balms / Wiccy

Sep 28, 2007 13:01

Hey all! I love Lush's temple balms, and I'm sad to see them go. Luckily here in Japan, Madame Butterfly (er, Flying Fox), which is my favorite, hasn't been disconned yet!!

Anyway, I was curious as to how and where exactly you apply your temple balms? I love the smell of Flying Fox so I often use it as a solid perfume, but Party On in particular disappointed me because I don't seem to feel any more energetic after using it. Am I doing it wrong?

Also, I do full-contact karate and therefore I'm never without my Tiger Balm or Air Salonpas for achy muscles and bruises. Is Wiccy effective for this kind of thing as well? Where should I store my Wiccy and do you have any tips on how to use it?


how do i..., temple balms

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