Bandwagon (or, how I spent the afternoon the day after a rather painful breakup)

Jan 22, 2007 00:06

Thursday night was . . . unpleasant.

So Friday afternoon, one of my best friends took me out to lunch. We sort of tossed around the idea of making a Lush trip . . . and decided that we deserved it. (Of course.) We drove across the water and made a visit to the Bellevue Store. (I must admit, I'm rather disappointed I'll be missing their bubble bar shindig. I'll be back east on Friday . . . )

You know you've been abusing your credit card when you walk in and one of the SAs immediately recognizes you from the previous weekend *looks guilty*. Then says she saw me on campus one day . . .

Well, a basket of only Karma Perfume turned into . . .

Karma Perfume
Lip Squeak
Flosty Gritter
Happy Pill
Soft Coeur
Aqua Mirabilis
Alkmaar Soap

Since the free for all was still going on, I got to take advantage of it three times over. Yes, three. :) (This was partially due to the fact that I bought the friend I was with a shampoo tin and her own chunk of Alkmaar Soap). So, I decided to grab three bath bombs/bubble bars I had yet to try: one each of Puddy Holly, Jingle Spells, and Bling Crosby. Then I got a half pound each of Karma and HIWTK soap. Heaven, I'm in Heaven . . .

The shopping didn't exactly cure the heartache, but it certainly made for a fabulous temporary fix. :) Nothing like a little consumer therapy . . .

Some thoughts:

I can't believe I didn't discover Alkmaar Soap sooner. It smells like my beloved Silky Underwear. Mmmmm.

I've only used it once, but I think I may love my new Aqua Mirabilis slightly more than Buffy. The smell, the texture . . . my skin felt softer after the former than it tends to after the latter.

Lip Squeak is so sweet and tasty.

I'm officially a Karma addict. Who'd have thought?

How do people tend to use their Soft Coeurs? Personally, I just want to nibble on it. ;) But, barring that . . . actually as a massage bar? (Since I'm without masseuse, I don't see too many massages in my future.) A lotion? Solid perfume?

One of these days, I need to also join the Lush porn bandwagon. It's sort of embarassing (or an accomplishment?) how quickly the stash has grown since, relatively speaking, I'm a recent convert.

soap: alkmaar, bath ballistics, massage bar: soft couer (the honeymooner, lush bellevue, i bought

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