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IT BURNS. Dear lord it EFFING burns. So much so, I thought something nasty bit me.
Why did it come two days after I stopped using it???
I was fine one second. the next, searing flesh-eating-bacteria-like pain while watching Rockstar: Supernova.
If that isnt "bodily harm" i dont know what is! I flushed it for a good 10 minutes with cold water after and ahve some frozen peas in a tea towel on it...but it still effing burns.
I hope those who havent seen what this does before see this! and LEARN! The pain can come a good week and a half after use, or even days after disuse!!
It is now VERY red, raised with lots of dead skin coming off. ugh. lesson learned.
EDITED TO ADD: with flash and newly forming blisters: