Nov 03, 2008 19:56
Apparently, I make a good one!
So first thing is first, I became a drunk idiot (suprise, yeah?) on Halloween and left my celly in the yard, and now its toast. So, I can receive and make calls but i don't have a display anymore :( So yeah no one text me since I can't read it!
Secondly, things have been going crazy today already. I scored a sweet sweater for like 80% off! Yeah hella gay. Found out my PC parts got double ordered AND somehow didn't make it into the mail at the same time, but luckily i got my IT guy (Chaun) on it and problem solved. I still have a million things to do the rest of this week, most of them involving picking up the pieces from my past laziness and bullshit and trying to score money I didnt earn. I am a real stand up dude these days.
ON TOP OF ALL THAT I am sailing to cheladaville while I wait for my judo gi to wash. It also got all fucked up on halloween. Between the grass stains, beer stains, black shit from Thad's face, and blood, I look like I took on ten men and won!