Dec 02, 2004 16:59
Before I start my bitching I would like to say my baby girl is 9months old today :) hehe..
If anyone is going to mock me don't even bother to reply. I don't need anymore stupid comments from idiotic people.
I love how the USA is suppose to be this big bad country with greedy people who just care about themselves and no one else let alone other countrys...
I was watching Oprah today (yeah i know) and they were doing a show on 'Kids who shook the world' the last half of the show was about Dying rooms in china.. which are exactly what they are... Children left in a room to dye alone...
Because since people in china can only have one child, they all want boys and if they have a girl they just throw her out like shes dirt.
These babys are just left on the streets or even drowned in water before they can have their first breath..
Which is so ridiculously stupid. If they all have boys will they reproduce? What ever..
But since this has been brought to the attention of the world, where have most of these babys ended up?
With families here who dish out 20,000+ per child.
I fail to see how the US can even fuckin measure up to half the shit that goes on in other countries.
In germany and russia there are no such things as police brutality. They beat the information they want out of you
Here if a cop slams someone down on the ground to cuff him the news is all over it
Yeah we have our many faults... I just don't see why we are the center of everything that is suppose to be bad
When other leaders around the world are starving their citizens, ordering them to death, allowing innocent newborns to be cast out like trash and are doing NOTHING ABOUT IT.
The fucked up thing about all of this, if we didn't do anything about any of it we're still the ones in the wrong.
So at end of the day.. after charities and ordinary people - donate money - do what they can to help
We're still the root of evil.