Oct 11, 2004 20:21
sooo My baby turned 7months old on the second uhm...
on the 29th she caught on how to play peek-a-boo...
on the 30th she FINALLY cut her first tooth..YAY!!!!!
My mother and grandmother came down on the 30th as well and took me an Madsion to Lometa..
My grandparents (moms side) are going to take an Alzheimers (I never would have thought to spell it that way since we just say Al-timers..haha..yeah..I'm from texas shut up.)
My aunt Tammys dad died on the 6th...
Corey had to put down his parents dog on saturday since they were in FL..
It was a pretty shitty weekend..
Madison pulled herself up all by herself today in her crib hehe I was so happpy..
She has been holding on to things like tables the couch etc.. but now she can pull herself up!
And she has givin up ALL baby food and just wants what is on our plates..
They have started on our house finally and we're looking at moving in some time in Jan as of now..YAY our house!! I can't wait...