So, we've had a weekend with Halloween, the end of Daylight Saving Time (which will start again in about 137 days...), and a blue moon. Seems appropriately scary, given what this country is about to go through.
I finished writing the article a bit late and have not heard back from my editor since. I guess he is keeping me waiting the way I kept him waiting. I just cannot pull all-nighters like I used to.
Then I wrote a short article and got that in on time.
Now it's time to focus on being an election judge. I voted Wednesday afternoon at the University of Maryland Xfinity Center (corporate name for sports complex). Tomorrow afternoon I have to show up at the polling place (the local high school this time around) and help set up equipment. I've been figuring out what to wear, trying on pants I haven't worn since last winter, setting aside snacks and PPE. The boy toy unearthed a small Thermos bottle I had when I was a kid -- gotta bring my own little coffee stash. (This time around, I'm not going to bring a coffee maker and won't count on the availability of one.)
Since the boy toy is going to visit his parents in San Antonio one week after Election Day (November 10-17), we were thinking that we might need a little apart time in case one of us picks up any virus, not just the pandemic kind. So yesterday we set up my Pennsic bed in the spare room. I can crash there after I get home from the polls (and sleep in as late as I want the next morning). And then he can sleep there for a couple of nights after he gets back from Texas. His parents are cautious about health too; the boy toy is more worried about the airport and plane (although Southwest isn't filling their middle seats until *next* month).
Finally, I'm wondering what else to do with my month. Nablopomo (NaBloPoMo?) doesn't seem to be a thing anymore (although I could just do it on my own). NaNoWriMo is still very much a thing, and every year I want to do it, but whenever I do try it, I fall flat on my face. Maybe I should continue the novel I started a long, long time ago. I know that technically you're not supposed to do that, but every time I start fresh, I lose interest in the story and the characters. So maybe I should try working on something that I have cared about at various times during my adult life. What the heck. I'm not going to live forever, after all.
But I will have to start later. Sleep calls.....
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