A Necklace of Opals

Nov 25, 2013 23:23

So, I had a great time at Holiday Faire. I picked up a few bargains and saw a few people, and, oh yeah, I heralded Royal Court all by myself!

Well, OK, I did have an excellent support staff. Mistress Sunniva, Lady Alexandria and Lady Daniela worked hard behind the scenes to get the court docket ready and lined up in the proper order with all the pretty scrolls in order. At about an hour before court was scheduled to start, I went to sit in the royal room in order to get off my feet (I am sooooo heavy) and review the docket.

I noticed that, as soon as I was there and getting ready, people started to look to me for answers to questions of protocol. Like Master Ii, who was going to be the herald for the B&B of Stierbach, asked me if the chairs/thrones were in the right places, that sort of thing. Wow.

I was a little nervous, but I don't think it affected my performance. I tried to keep a slight smile on my face when I thought of it, because in some Facebook photos of my past appearances in baronial court, I look as if I'm crying, sneezing or sneering. At least I didn't make any major bloopers, and Her Majesty Queen Lynette gave me a little hug of friendship when I said goodbye for the evening!

You can read my court report here. Their Majesties chose to give out a lot of Opals, which is the main Kingdom-level service award. Someone commented that we had "a necklace of Opals," which is a nice image, I think.

I spent quite a bit of time typing up the two versions of the court report -- the flowery one for public consumption and the plain one (without the legal names redacted) for the people who maintain the database of Kingdom awards. But I wanted to get it over with so I wouldn't be accused of dilly-dallying. Especially with the holiday, Darkover, and freelance article deadlines coming up.

This entry was originally posted at http://luscious-purple.dreamwidth.org/138495.html. Please feel free to comment either here or there.

heraldry, sca

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