All of a sudden I feel I need to have a mini-rant. People need to get over "Happy Holidays". By people I mean the Christians who felt the need to boycot Target, because their sales pitch was "Happy Holidays". In no way am I trying to attack Christians. Just those who feel the need to behave with very un-christianly behaviors. What the hell is wrong with everyone sharing this time of the year with people they love, regardless of their beliefs. You can say I'm biased because I'm athiest, and come from a non-christian family, but we celebrate Christmas, just in a different sense. In no way do we insult or mock the Christian faith or their practices. So why can't those who make a fuss about "Happy Holidays" respect other's beliefs. And enjoy the holiday season, instead of ruining others? I don't think their is anything wrong with saying Merry Christmas or Happy Chanuka or Happy Kwanza or Happy Solstace or Happy Festivus.
So tis the season to be jolly fa la la la la Viva Target and people who recognize the spirit of the holdiays and good will towards men. This rant is not directed at anyone in the LJ community. It is simply for my need to rant.
Anyways here is the real journal entry I was planning to post.
Happy Holidays!