Weekend at Bernie's.....

Aug 02, 2005 10:20

Let me just say that, the last month has been totally AMAZING!!! GREAT people, GREAT fun, GREAT sex & just over all, a GREAT fucking time!!!  I'm pretty much knocking on wood right now, because whenever there is good in my life, the evil is sure to fall right behind.

Spent the weekend in Montreal with Miss Kitty, Melena, Blake & L.o.E. Not really for Pride but the main reason we went was to help with the filming on the NEW Lesbian on Ecstasy video... Just wait till you see this video, it's gonna be really amazing!!  So i will give you the breakdown of the weekend;

FRIDAY: Picked up the rental car and all it's passengers and were off to Montreal. Got there around 6:00pm and headed straight for the harbour. Where we boarded a yacht and went on a cruise with L.o.E. They were actually performing on the yacht. The whole set-up was really cool but the cruise it self was the episode straight out of the L-word!! All these she-she foo-foo lesbian running around, i think i threw up in my mouth a little at one point. The night got better as the kids drank more beer but the band that went on before L.o.E did not. It was this instramental electro-jazz shit. Normally that kind of music dosen't bother me but not at that time of night. They even had these two chicks doing interpretive dance to a couple of the piece's. It was fucked!! They were lipped locked and flailing their arms around, back and forth across the stage, It was FUCKED!! They even cut into the Lezzies play time so they only got to perform 4 songs... As the yacht was pulling into the harbour the damn man cut there power because of the noise restrictions. I say damn you, man! After that we headed back to the car and headed to Bernie's where we unloaded are shit and lounged around for a bit. Then it was time to go on a mission!! First, for food. Note to self, Poutine at 3:00 in the morning is not such a good, well it is and it isn't... I think you get the picture! Secondly, we needed to find 4 Double D batteries for the air pump so we could blow up the air mattress. We drove all over trying to find a store that was 24 hours. You would think there would be more open establishments being a big city and all... Anyways we ended our night back at Bernie's and comfy in her bed.

SATURDAY:   We slowly got up and got ready. Was the last person to get to use the washroom after 6 other people had their PooSpa(Will explain definition later..!) Then headed out on the town for Fresh HOT out of the oven bagels with fresh cream cheese, lattes, juice and to collect snacks for the video shoot. When we got back to the house it was time to hit the set. It was great to see so many people from Toronto there. And also to meet some really great people from Montreal. The shoot was AMAZING!! So much fun was had on the set. All the Zombies, the dirt, the blood, & the dancing was fucking HoT!!  (HIGHLIGHT- Sitting in the trunk gaurding the beer & getting pineapple spit in the face ;) Good times....  The rest of the day was spent chilling out drinking beers, eating some o.k. Italian food, napping, Ass Pirates party and then some pretty good sleeping.

SUNDAY:   The PooSpa was not as bad this morning getting ready, due to the fact we had the appartment to ourselves. Nice and quite and fresh. Laid around eating bagels for the beginning of the morning and then went out on the town checking out some local shops, parks, streets and cafe's. Went to Cafe Santrapole, and had the best Bigg'm roast beef sandwich with blue cheese ever.... Bought a post card & will send it to TeT.  We also saw this really amazing bike store that specializes in low-rider bicycles. It was sooo... HOT, and made me realize how financially unstable i really am. One day I tell you, one day!!  Laid around in the grass in this beautiful park. Stuffed grass in Miss Kitty's Ass and didn't get beat up!! When then back to Bernie's for costume change and to chill for a bit then it was off to the SEXGARAGE stage to see L.o.E perform. The only bad news was that when we got there, we noticed that the stage was having technical difficulties, minutes later they lost all poere to the stage. So 4 bands including the lezzies did not get to go on. The girls didn't have the best of luck this weekend but they made up for it later that night at this bar called ZOOBiZZARE. Wicked little new Goth style bar. Total debauchery was had and lots of sweat, fun & dancing. Then it was home to sleep cause we had an early start in the morning.

MONDAY:  Woke up with a killer head ache but soon got rid of that with an Advil cocktail. Got our bags packed up and headed out the door. Traffic was horrible on the way home due to it being holiday monday and the crazy rain storms that kept coming out of no where. The road trip was fanfuckingtastic, great conversation, lots of laughs, sore bellys, granny shuffles and much much more. Thank gawd for polaroid film!! Was sad to leave Montreal but was also glad to get home and see my ladies & gentlemen.

P.S. Beebs, Beebles, Blake, I LoVE You ALL!!!
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