Dec 09, 2006 03:23
Wow, haven't used this in a while. Mostly I've been living on Facebook/in the Killem. In fact, I really don't know why I'm posting in it now, at 2am on a friday night (or saturday morning, whatev.)
Oh wait, that's a lie, yes I do.
I'm SUPPOSED to be studying for my Engi exam. Not that there's much to study for. It's supposed to take three hours. I'm aiming for 40 minutes. I finished the midterm in 20 minutes, and that was supposed to be two hours, so yeah. I'm not challenged in that course at all. Easy marks, but I wish I wasn't paying so much for it. It's really a waste of my time.
Of course, in usual Ed fashion, I've got my head wrapped up around someone I met at King's last week. She's pretty much the pinnacle of awesome, but with my finals being rediculously helter-skelter (c'mon, 7-10pm on a saturday??), my plans to spend time with her keep getting pushed further and further back. Was supposed to be thursday, but we moved it to today because she had an oral exam to study for. Then we moved it to saturday because I was supposed to have chem this afternoon. Moved from saturday to sunday because I have my engi final tomorrow. I wound up writing my chem half a day earlier than I expected, and now I'm sitting here lonely and pissed off that I wasted away a friday night.
She also heads home to Ontario sometime soon. Within the week. And then I don't see her for three weeks.
Anyway. Back to work at Tim's on the 16th. For the last time too, I'll be starting at Eastlink again in mid january. My old supervisor from the improv support centre in Sackville is actually the supervisor out here in Halifax now, so we had a grand old talk. Back at my old salary too. $10+/hr to browse the interwebs and wear a headset? Deal.
On top of that, I may have an internship at the new IMP hangar at the airport for the summer. I'd be working on airside avionics guidance, which is a glorified way of describing about 20 little LEDs and a PIC16 squirreled away in a cockpit. I'd help develop less important circuits like relay boards and bus converters. If I get the internship, it'll be with salary, and it may even qualify as a work term (lopping 4 months of my degree). Fingers crossed on that one.
Walked to Spring Garden yesterday in the rain to get a refill on my zopiclone. Missed the bus both ways. I was wet.
Hung out with Caleigh for a bit today, we geeked it up hardcore. Walked to Video Difference and rented season 3 of Voyager. We're about four episodes in... I miss that show.
Things with Jordan have gone suprisingly well this past week. I've been helping him out here and there, been accommodating of his exams, and generally tried to be a good roommate. Seems to be paying off too, we had the closest thing to a touching moment that two Newfies can have where we both talked about how we're glad to have each other for roommates. I meant it too; he's a nice guy. We grate a few times, and I'd still rather have a single, but I can't think of a better person to have as a roommate (that I don't already know really well).
Playing WoW again. Couldn't resist any longer.
I'm bored with my laptop. I look at it way too much. It's what happens when you use WebCT/have no life.