Musical + Ed = Aneurysm

May 24, 2006 00:45

My livejournal is almost a year old. Or a bit over. It's coming up on it's first birthday, and as such it now reverts to it's original purpose: to keep me sane during the musical. So happy birthday to Lusankya the eljay. Lus as a screenname will be 8 (I think?) sometime this summer too... many trivial birthdays for things that don't actually have dates of birth.

Onward to less redundant things. I just finished configuring Gol as an encrypted proxy, so I should be able to run laps around NetSweeper on the school's government network. Since it's pretty late, I'll save a full post for tomorrow while I'm waiting on the show to start.

West Side Story from wednesday to saturday, 7:30PM (or 9:45AM tomorrow if you're in junior high/really short/pre=pubescent). Come check it out, and hear the first ever production we've done in stereo. Yep, 2006 and we're only moving up to 2.0 sound. At least the board has Dolby boost fx to make it worthwhile.
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