God, I hate winter.

Feb 02, 2011 18:56

 That's it. I need to get my ass in gear. The only reason I got out of my pj's today was to go outside and de-thaw my car. I got up at 9 and took a nap at 1. I have two classes tomorrow and haven't even started my homework!
I need to start a work-out regime. Give myself a maximum number of hours I am allowed to spend in the house a week. Join a club. Something! If I don't stop being perpetually bored all the time, I am going to wake up one morning and I'll be 30, hate my job, have no boyfriend, and go insane. 
I'd go for a run to invigorate myself, but, no, wait, THE FUCKING SNOW IS PILED HIGHER THAN MY HEAD AND I'D PROBABLY SLIP AND CRACK MY HEAD OPEN! 
My sister says you need to do one thing every day that scares you. I need to start living like that.
Yeah, I will! ...tomorrow.
Oh, god, I'm doomed. 


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