(no subject)

Oct 20, 2006 14:01

Dear Livejournal Ov Mine =P..
Im sooo bored =|
At college bin typing up work all day, ive dun a fair bit actually which im quite proud of, roxie went home & left me =O.. so ill go into the salon ina min and join the rest =P
Met lauren @ dina =] & we went to get ma a hair colour ! den we went to the pub 2 find my mum there =P so she got us a drink =] !
Meetin stacey afta college, goin mine and colouring my hair.. Den meetin lauren & shiv & goin racie fair =D woop woop! Gerin bladed o yes, meetin norfy & bowler down ther.. Den l8r i fink we all goin shivoo's =] Im stayinnnn!

2moz goin 2 ladybruk pub wif lauren & stacey, meetin bowler nick smith dave n all dem ther =D shud b all gud!
Started seeing jay, kingy, jamie hughes & all dem alot more now, which is all cool, my old ladybruk crew hehe =D !!
No idea what im doin sunday, but satdi stacey & lauren r stayin mine hehe! =P

Reali lukin 4ward 2 dis weekend, guna b phat!
Altho i miss dany, i realy knt get over how hes bin with me & the harsh fings hes sed as made me doubt weatha we wer eva tht guda m8z... so im doing nothin about it & lettin him get on with it, all i can do.
Other than that, life is gr8 =D..
My bak payment cumz sune so ill b shoppin, shoppin shoppin! =P
start from stratch.. Monday nite i went round jays with kingy gregi abbie n lauren & we all got rekt ! Norfy hapend 2 pop in for abit! =P

Den l8r a went out wif him =]

Wednesday.. I went racie fair & me n shiv hada drink! .. wasnt rly tht interesting..was speakin to lance sean & thierry for ages til bowler & norfy came dwn, so me n shiv went out wif them, went up pleasley & we wer walkin thru nettles finkin tht it woh grass & shiv hada piss n stung all her arse lmfao i knt stop laffin! =')..
L8r we dropt them off n went up berryhill to find jamie hughes kingy squeake gregi lauren & shanny was up ther =O =D !! wa tlkin to dem for ages til they left, so me & norfy jus sat tlkin bout everyfin for ageeeers til jay mcdanold & tommy gun cum up =] den i got norfy 2 tek me home coz iwo gerin tired!..

Thts all i gota sai neways.. L8ly ive found out alot ov bad points about my 'so called mates' & Im glad, cuz now i can go on bein happy & not worryin bcuz the mates i hav now r pure gold & not 2 faced =]!!

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