[click to view full size]
Design 1
Design 2
I do put my water mark on it but no worry because once you change it to your layout, it will disappear.
The background is only suitable for journal with small width and only has one sidebar and the content is at the center.
If the width is not right, you can always fix it by editing you CSS stylesheet.
How to add as your background?
1- Download the photo to you computer and reupload it to you own server.
2- Once you uploaded it, copy the URL for the photo.
3- Click on Journal Style >> Customize Your Theme >> Custom CSS
4- Search for background-image: url in the Custom Stylesheet and replace the URL next to it with the photo URL
*don't forget to change the background position to be 'fix'
5. Click Save Changes
*only if your journal originally have background*
If you have anymore confusion on adding the background, just ask it here.
Created by
lurveheechul on 1 June 2011 at 1:47 Malaysia Time
Feel free to use it on your journal or republish it | Please do not remove the watermark
Comments are loved!
You may request if you want one for you
Please do inform me if you used any of these as your journal background