Mar 24, 2011 22:57
Sigh, pimples have started breaking out real badly around my whole body. as much as i want to visit the nsc asap appointment only starts this wed. sigh hope i can last till then.
Exams coming in 3 weeks and im STILL busy with CAT. everyone's really pushing for the A+.
Prof Ma is seriously the nicest prof ever!!!! love her ttm xxxx
Nonetheless the other subjects are scaring me shitless! corp reporting, gra, fiim.
Really hope to do well for them....
On a more exciting note, this summer marks a special beginning in life!
haha will be heading to PWC for my dreeaaaamm internship in the corporate tax department <3
both my dreaaaam firm and my dreeeaaam designation so hurrays to me.
Really hope I'll love the culture and work there. Looking forward to it tremendously!!!!
and did i mention Kenneth's heading to PWC too! yay^^ couple for life!