What I really need for Christmas is common sense XD

Dec 18, 2007 16:33

I've done a lot few stupid things in my life so far. But I have to say what I did this afternoon has to top everything else. If anything, it's up there. WAY up there XDD

So, a couple of days ago it rained. The thing is: the snow has yet to melt and the temperature was probably lingering around or close to the freezing point. As a result, when the rain reached the snow - rather than washing it all away - it turned it into ice, or something close to it.

Anyway, my school is located in this giant ditch thing with relativly slopy hills for sides. My bus is conveniently parked on top of a hill - a hill covered in snow covered in ice, and though it's kinda small, it's certainly angled enough to snowboard on for a short while.

So here's when human curiosity mixed with stupidty comes in.

My friend, who is a real butthead (but I love her anyway :3), had this crazy idea of sliding down that hill on her stomach. HA! So this is where her brainpower is wasted on. Frankly, I would've loved to see her do it. But she's truly evil. She twisted up my mind and somehow convinced me to try it with her. I guess at the time it sounded like it would be fun. And if you saw the hill, it was a pretty sight; the snow had remained smooth and untouched even after a couple of days. It was tempting.

So what we did was take our jackets off, to be used as a sled of some sort, and opened it up. And then we backed up, ran forward, and launched ourselves.

And...FAILED. XD Instead of sliding smoothly downhill, we belly flopped into the snow. No movement at all, the ice just cracked and collapsed into the snow under my jacket. And we must have looked insanely MENTAL! XDDD We were laughing our ass off, as well as the spectators we gathered XD It was definitely a "you had to be there" moment.

Luckily, there was no pain ^^;; And after this, I swore to stop listening to my friend. XD

I talk about snow wayyy too much XD'' Last snow related entry for the rest of the year, promise!

lols, snow, i fail at life

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