Huzzah! I have hit puberty!

Jun 02, 2008 16:17

I had a very enjoyable Saturday evening round

58th_spirit's gaff, where I began the first stage of my long anticipated transformation into a real girl. No longer shall I be a boy with girl-parts and unusually good multi-tasking skills! I AM WOMAN! HEAR ME ROAR!

What is the basis for this change in attitude, I hear you ask me? Why are you even now contemplating wearing makeup (gasp!) and uncomfortable shoes (no!)? I went online and brought my first ever load of slightly impractical big-girl underwear. I have owned such before, but never bought it with my hard earned money. This is a big thing for me. Of course, I had to ask 58th_spirit the meaning of some of the long words and which brands were to be trusted with my affluence but other than that I did it all myself!

If, in a week or so you should see me and wish to borrow Season 3 of Batman Beyond I will be forced to answer that I do not own it, but look at my pretty bra.

For those of you who care not for my sartorial maturity or my pants, I give you:

-A Harry Potter/House MD Lupin/Wilson crossover A Craving for Kindness
-A Due South Fraser/Ray mk II fic involving honest to god sex pollen. You don't get sex pollen enough outside the DCU, so we must make the most of it when we find it. No Fretful Orchid by the always enjoyable


due south, fic rec, house, harry potter

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