Zomgawesome HP Rec

May 16, 2008 15:24

I am at the moment reading a truely spectacular Marauder-era HP fic (recced recently on
crack_van), which keeps making me grin uncontrollably much to the confusion of Dave-who-works-opposite-me. It's largely from Remus' perspective, includes some lovely artwork and I believe will eventually be Remus/Sirius. Though actually I'm not sure I've ever read a Maurauder-era non-gen fic in which Remus and Sirius didn't sleep together. Highlights of this one include the amusing mental side-effects of becoming an animagi, a number of terribly disturbing literary dreams had by RJ Lupin, the stoned ramblings of the Marauders and many other things I couldn't possibly do justice to while describing. For your delectation, The Shoebox Project.

It reminds me, both in style and content, of the much shorter (but nevertheless scrumptious) fic I read a number years ago, Seven Things That Didn't Happen On Valentine's Day At Hogwarts, Or Maybe They Did. They are so similar in fact that I find it hard to believe they were written by different people, which as far as I can tell they were. Anyhoo this fic, which I'm pretty sure I haven't recced here before, is about a number of different pranks played on or by the Marauders over several years worth of Valentine's days, culminating in the turning of Sirius into a girl. And very ungrascious he is too. It's also lovely (in a malicious kind of way) to read a gender-swap fic in which the inevitable happens and the changee gets their period. With predictably self-pitying and psychotic results.

I went to see the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain yesterday, who were brilliant as usual, and on tuesday I'm going to see TIM MINCHIN SQUEEEeeeeeeeeee...... Then thursday to the Chelsea Flower Show and Indiana Jones on Friday. For lunch I had a very nice peanut butter and banana sandwich. Life is good.

fic rec, music rec, harry potter

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