Is a puzzlement.

Feb 04, 2008 14:18

I have a quandry. I have been neglecting my fanfic reading lately because, having started a new job I don't want to get fired for accessing what could be considered pornography during my lunchtime. So, looking at the museums policies, how smutty can my reading meterial get? First off, thou shalt not:

'accesses or knowingly allows another to access any material which, if brought into the Museum in any other medium, would be considered to be offensive, obscene or in gross violation of acceptable standards in the workplace

Do not visit, view, or download any material from any Web site containing pornographic or illegal material or material which is likely to be considered offensive.'

Now, offensive to whom? Cos I'm pretty hard to offend. And I would have no problem bringing a book such as Sebastian Faulks 'Birdsong' which has some pretty graphic sex, or Jill Paton Walsh's 'Knowledge of Angels' which even has teh buttsecks. I would also have no problem bringing a book by that filth-merchant Laurell K. Hamilton to work (it would have to be one of her later books for this example. The earlier ones have *gasp* plot getting in the way of smut).

Helpfully, a definition of what is pornographic is provided:

'Pornography includes any material which, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest in sex, portrays sexual conduct in a patently offensive way.'

Which again really doesn't help. D.H. Lawrence had a pretty prurient interest in sex but I could probably look up his works with impunity. Is it ok if the fanfic is an R instead of an NC-17? Or should all the characters just be good friends instead? I can hardly ask, or I'll find myself on some kind of ICT Dept. watch list.


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