So, the reason I haven't been posting much recently is that I still have a backlog of fic to read from when I didn't have the web a couple of months ago. And from when I was ill over new year. Seriously, my flist are such overachievers that I've never been able to catch up. And so, as my list of fics to rec has reached gigantic proportions, I'm giving up on the catching up and will just post what I have. So here you go:
Harry Potter
The Fisher King by
atdelphi Who doesn't post enough fic for my liking. It's Percy/Moody which I realise may not be everyone's cup of tea (this is called understatement children) but I love it like a slightly grubby and rather twitchy kitten.
Draco, Merrily on High by
byblythe Harry/Draco featuring sarcastic downonhisluck!Draco, jovial drunk!Harry and small children sining Christmas carols. Also a little Tonks/Remus on the side.
For the Public Good by
blamebrampton Harry is loaned to the Muggle government to assist relations between the two governments after the London bombings. When his counterpart in the Communications team comes to him with evidence of a plot to expose wizarding Britain, he is all ears. And only in part because the messenger has such a familiar voice. Harry/Draco, also featuring gratuitous Peter Mandelson bashing.
Once Upon a Time, Yesterday by
femmequixotic Epilogue compliant Harry/Draco, though there is no cheating on spouses I'm happy to say.
The Beginner's Guide to Breeding Peacocks author not revealed yet (it's an exchange fic). Snape/Hermione/Lucius in which Snape has a theory about Karmic balance - and Peacock Poo.
Breaking News by Propaganda. A couple of weeks ago I didn't know who Rahm Emanuel is, and now through the medium of the internet I've been made to love him. For those who have not yet have the pleasure, he is a short, jewish, ex-ballarina badass missing half of the middle finger of his right hand, who is going to be Barak Obama's Chief of Staff. He's hot, he's awesome and in this fic he's buggering Anderson Cooper.
The Strange and Not Entirely Ineffective Courting of Jon Stewart by Stephen T. Colbert by
sparky77 The title says it all really, though it's very much in the camp of pre-slash. Absolutely adorable and hilarious.
District 13
Dangerous Neighbourhoods by
frostfire_17 Thanks to the wonder that is the Yuletide fic fest, patron saint of all tiny and obscure fandoms, I can now present you with District 13 slash! Naturally it's Leito/Damien and naturally it's hot and badass, though not always in that order.
Maybe, This Time by
shrift And there's more Leito/Damien awesomeness! I should imagine writing Parkour is about as easy as drawing music coherantly, but Shrift manages it. Cos she's awesome.
Die Hard 4.0
Die Hard 4.5: I'll be Hard for Christmas by
bookshop Apalling title pun aside, this is a great John/Matt (is there any other kind of Die Hard slash?) which features congressional hearings, lots of pizza, sarcastic aides and gay sex scandals. Also gay sex.
Due South
First One Thing, Then the Otter by
alex51324 Fraser/Kowalski now with added otter cuteness and otter crimefighting.
In Which Worlds Collide and Eeyore Investigates a Terrible Crime by
flambeau A Winnie the Pooh/Discworld crossover. Do I really need to tell you any more?
The Dragon Was a Babble-Mouth by
jade_dragoness Arthur/Merlin and Arthur/pretty much everyone ever because Arthur is in fact a massive dork. Which is why I love him. I also love the truth that there's no way you could have a huge magical reptile living under a densely populated castle without people knowing about it.
Misrule by
thehoyden in which Merlin is suprisingly hot in a dress. Which I can see, actually. Arthur/Merlin.
Pirates Of The Caribbean
Facades by
penknife Jack/Elizabeth which I love even though I usually hate anything even slightly angsty. There are a number of reasons why I love it though. It has an Elizabeth who is growing a bit older, not just staying 20 for ever as women in fiction seem wont to do, and it has a scrubbed up Jack. Which while I can't picture it sounds pretty awesome. Also it's a good fic.
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Noir Enough by
thefourthvine Perry/Harry In which Harry is stoopid (natch), sea-sick and then makes out with Perry in the cause of great justice. I sniggered. Lots.
Not With a Bang a Whimper by
lyrstzha Perry/Harry again, whose banter brings all the boys to the yard and damn right it's better than yours. Unless you're Shane Black, in which case all I have to say is 'Thankyou!'
The Other Line by
giddygeek Perry/Harry. I'm starting to see a theme. Harry is very drunk and Perry has the patience of a rather sweary saint.
The Prestige
Only One of Us by
scribblinlenore A fascinating, though rather incestuous, look at how Fallon might have become how he is.
Doctor Who
I Were the Heavens by
sam_storyteller Actual honest-to-god gen. A sixteen-year-old boy from Boeshane is going to win the war. The Time Agency has a vested interest in children like him -- and so does the Admiral of the Fleet. But not in that way.
Iron Man
The Kids Aren't All Right by
samdonne More gen. I must be tired. One of the best things I've ever read in any fandom ever. Written as a Vanity Fair article by Christine Everhart after Tony Stark has revealed himself to be Iron Man, I really hope Jon Favreau reads this, because it's just amazing.
Black Books
The Morning After by
ionlylurkhere Hee hee hee! Just read it. I wouldn't want to predjudice you.
Hot Fuzz
Danny Butterman's Magical Box o' Love by
koshiroryuu Danny/Nicholas, which is normally a pairing I find a bit off-putting (yes there are some!) but this is great. And thankfully non-graphic.
Mary Poppins
Wind in the East by
dragojustine I've always had very strong ideas about how Mary Poppins knows Bert, and this totally josses them. But I love it anyway because it works so well. Bert/Mary, but not in any kind of disturbing way.