I m groanup!

Aug 07, 2008 12:16

I joined a gym yesterday. This has pretty much nothing to do with anything, but it was really scary to do as this is my first proper (read non-university) gym and I feel I deserve some plaudits. My membership starts on Saturday and I'm kinda excited about it. I could become trim!

Anyhoo, recs. I shall be starting off with some Stargate Atlantis, because that is all I've been watching lately (with the exception of the High School Musical films, for which dirty and disturbing fic must exist and will be hunted down). I'd never really seen it before and now I'm half way through the second season and loving it bad. I'm especially loving the crazy chemistry between Sheppherd and Mckay, which causes them to be added to the list of couples that you so know are doing it just off screen (cartoon!Bruce/Harvey, Sirius/Remus, Ivy/Harley, Crabbe/Goyle, Steph/Cass, Babs/Diana, Jack Aubery/Stephen Maturin, Chad/Ryan, Tim/Kon/Bart or any combination thereof and so on ad infinitem). I also love Ronan, stick fighting, the 'pick on Ford game', the 'how much can we torture David Hewlett' game, the badass and scrily sexy Wraith (just me?), Mckay and Zelenka (who may be at it too, except that the love of him and Sheppherd is twu wuv) and many many other things. So, recs:

- The Art of an Atlantis Mission Report by Jem. Which is, strangely for me, gen. And a very amusing take on the cliches of the Pegasus galaxy and Ronon's sense of humour.
- High School is Not Another Name for Hell by
thedeadparrot. Which is slash and also a House/SGA crossover. Who are the two people with the worst social skills in the world? ... That's right. So naturally they must have got to high-school together.
-Weapons of Some Distraction by
shrift. In which Sheppherd and Mckay are on earth, bored and have online shopping. Also, y'know, each other.
-The Reverse of Fascination also by
shrift In which Sheppherd is in the process of driving Mckay mad. Which is one way of entertaining yourself if you left your book on Atlantis, I guess.
-Hell, just read all of Shrifts fics Here.

I have also been reading Buffy and Angel fanfiction, to the amusement of
de_facto_female for whom is is all soooo five years ago. So here you go:

-Looserville once more by
shrift. Welcome to Looseville, Population: Two. Spike/Xander
-The Giles Thing by 
drsquidlove Where Xander gets molested by a teenage Giles. He likes it really!
-Unprecidented by 
sahiya which posits that Wesley was Faith's watcher when she comes to Sunnydale fleeing from Kakistos. Giles/Wesley, but irritating!Wesley has already evolved into Badass!Wesley. Fictional chracters are kinda like Pokemon...
-Mr. and Mrs. Bickerson by
shrift Bickering. Sex. More bickering. More sex. Stupid jokes. Visions. Did I mention the bickering? Wesley/Gunn.
-Horizontal Movement by 
shrift in which Spike and Angel get drunk and... well you can probably guess the rest.

And, to tie the two sections together, an Angel/Stargate Atlantis crossover where Gun gets randomly punted to the Pegasus galaxy, learns to plow and then gets picked up by our favorite stargate-hopping team. Outwardbound by Hth.

fic rec, buffy, angel, stargate

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