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Jul 18, 2008 09:27

So, I was rather ill yesterday. Which was a bit embarrassing as I had to phone work and tell them that I was ill with exactly the same thing I'd been ill with exactly a week before (a stomach bug). I put it three to one that my boss thinks I lie like a liar. Which, to be fair, he should as the first time wasn't so much me being ill as me being nakkered having gone to see The Marriage of Figaro at the Royal Opera House the evening before (it was truely awesome and totally worth missing a days wages). But this I was actually ill, which sucked. There were some good things about my day though.

First of all I got to add something to my list of Guilty Pleasures. Along with running around on the roofs of the Natural History Museum, The Authority and Nora Roberts books, we now have anything featuring Chad Michael Murray. Much of which seens to be shown during the mornings by the various channels of Channel 4.

Anyhoo, after lunch they started showing Big Brother (forget the evictions, just blow the damn house up!) so I had nothing to watch until I remembered that my dear kind friend Alister had lent me the first two seasons of Stargate Atlantis. I had previously only seen the pilot and was prepared for an enjoyable time. I thought of it along the lines of Supernatural; It's good and all, but I don't understand why there seem to be so many people obsessing about it.

I now totally understand. I've just passed the half-way point of season 1 and I have to say that SGA is AWESOME! And I totally see why there's so much Shepherd/MacKay slash out there. They totally have the banter thing down, and some wicked chemistry. And there both such great characters. MacKay is just brilliant, especially any time he's in a scene with Zelenka (there must be some slash of that relationship. I shall find it!) and Sheppherd seems to be so laid back and look-at-my-hair-ain't-I-pretty until The Eye where he shows how truely hardcore he really is, pulls a McClane and kills about 60 people (no exageration). Which leads to the last episdoe I've seen, The Defiant One, in which he and MacKay get to be hardcore together! He just has such a cute puzzled-face... Ahem. Anyway, Stargate Atlantis = good things.

Bad thing= There are people in the world watching Dark Knight! It's not out here for another week! NGHAAAA!! CURSE YOU USA WITH YOUR CULTURAL HEGEMONY!!!

batman, rant, stargate

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