There is, at this moment, and awesome anon Doctor Who pr0n prompt fest going on
here at
sizeofthatthing. There is all sorts of beautifully random cracky stuff there, and here are some of my personal favorites. Bare in mind that so far I've only read the fist 15 pages:
The Doctor designs a better tampon-
Deeply wrong Master/Jenny ...and many many more. Including the following prompts posted by me and illustrating my diseased mind. Not all of them have been replied to yet though:
Delgado!Master/Sarah Jane dub-con-
Martha/Jamie stuck in Jamie's time-
Richard E Grant!Doctor/Android!Master from The Scream of the Shalka-
Jack/Lucy Saxon Revenge-
Master/Lucy till death do us part...
Peri/Sharaz Jek For those of you who enjoy the finer things in life that aren't
teimcock, some Heroes sketches done in the style of
I was watching Goldeneye yesterday, and there really should be someone out there writing Mishkin/Ourumov manly Russian hatesex. According to Rule 34 there is already. I must go search for it.